Yvonne Weng's ceramics has a balance of practicability and comfortable touch while she explores in the boundless territory of arts, music, and thoughts. She has been honing her distinctive voice in her creations since 2013.
1985 出生於台北市
1994-1995 旅居紐西蘭
2010 輔仁大學哲學系・英文系畢業
2010-2013 台語搖滾樂團主唱
2013 開始學習陶藝
2019 移居高雄市
1985 Born in Taipei City, TW
1994-1995 Lived and studied in Wellington, NZ
2010 BA Philosophy/ English Literature, FJU, TW
2010-2013 Vocalist of Taiwanese Indie Band
2013 Began learning ceramics
2019 Relocated to Kaohsiung City
2022 「酒」聯展(屋物工作室,台灣)
2023 翁宜襄陶器展-GROOVE( 屋物工作室,台灣)
2023 交迭 Interweaving: From Kiln to Cup
2022 Sake Group Exhibition (55 Mobler, Taiwan)
2023 Yvonne Weng Ceramics - Groove (55 Mobler)
2023 交迭 Interweaving: From Kiln to Cup
Yvonne Weng's Tea Utensil Exhibition・Chanoyu
(SOKA'AN, Taiwan)